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普兰德瓶口分液器有机型Dispensette Organic数字可调

更新时间:2020-07-27 08:15:25 信息编号:2c22lqo3k8a72c
普兰德瓶口分液器有机型Dispensette Organic数字可调
  • 3200.00 元

  • 普兰德/BRAND

  • 普兰德



普兰德瓶口分液器有机型Dispensette Organic数字可调


  瓶口分液器 Dispensette® S Organic 有机型, 数字, DE-M


  的舒适度 在有挑战的连续性操作和使用腐蚀性试剂时提供可靠的表现


  The Dispensette® S is your number 1 solution for direct bottle-top dispensing. It makes dispensing liquids safer and easier. Thanks to the special functional design of the piston, the Dispensette® S operates smoothly, requiring minimum effort when filling and dispensing. The volume is adjusted quickly and set reliably. The Dispensette® S bottle-top dispenser has a proven track record in demanding continuous-use applications and when used with aggressive substances.

  Dispensette® S Organic (yellow color-code): Ideal for dispensing organic solvents, including chlorinated and fluorinated hydrocarbons (e.g., trichlorofluoroethane and dichlormethane), acids like concentrated HCl and HNO3 (except HF), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), tetrahydrofuran (THF) and peroxides.

  Digital design: Especially easy to read digital display. The selected dosed volume can be adjusted precisely and is easy to reproduce. Easy calibration technology for adjustment in seconds without tools. Automatic designation if factory default changed.

货号 体积范围 精度 % (±) 精度 μl (±) 偏差(%) 偏差 μl 回流阀 分刻度 Adapter für Flaschengewinde Ansaugrohr L?nge
4630330 0,5 - 5 ml 0,5 % 25 μl 0,1 % 5 μl 0,02 ml GL 24-25, GL28/S 28, GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 125-240 mm
4630331 0,5 - 5 ml 0,5 % 25 μl 0,1 % 5 μl 0,02 ml GL 24-25, GL28/S 28, GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 125-240 mm
4630340 1 - 10 ml 0,5 % 50 μl 0,1 % 10 μl 0,05 ml GL 24-25, GL28/S 28, GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 125-240 mm
4630341 1 - 10 ml 0,5 % 50 μl 0,1 % 10 μl 0,05 ml GL 24-25, GL28/S 28, GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 125-240 mm
4630350 2,5 - 25 ml 0,5 % 125 μl 0,1 % 25 μl 0,1 ml GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 170-330 mm
4630351 2,5 - 25 ml 0,5 % 125 μl 0,1 % 25 μl 0,1 ml GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 170-330 mm
4630360 5 - 50 ml 0,5 % 250 μl 0,1 % 50 μl 0,2 ml GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 170-330 mm
4630361 5 - 50 ml 0,5 % 250 μl 0,1 % 50 μl 0,2 ml GL 32-33, GL 38, S 40 170-330 mm



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