产品别名 |
熔铜坩埚,碳化硅坩埚,石墨坩埚,熔金坩埚 |
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Installation of Induction Furnace Crucible
1. The distance between the crucible and the induction coil is 8-10 cm (make sure the crucible is placed in the center of the induction coil).
2. 感应线圈上表面附着的杂质要清理干净。Impurities on the surface of the induction coil should be cleaned up.
3. 炉底要用硬质耐火砖(好的耐火砖)垫平,所垫高度视坩埚与炉的高度而定。The bottom of the furnace should be made of hard refractory bricks (good refractory bricks), the height of which depends on the height of the crucible and the furnace.
4. 用的石棉布(厚2-3mm为好)贴附在感应线圈内侧,石棉布的上边应线圈,到平台口上。With high quality cotton cloth (thick 2-3mm as a good) attached to the induction coil inside, above the top of the stone cotton should be higher than the coil to the mouth of the platform.
5. 用于的石英砂(或莫来砂、耐火砂)放进坩埚与石棉布之间,一层层的夯实打起来。(注:好用吸铁石吸一下石英砂中的杂质)Quartz sand (or mullite sand, refractory sand) into the crucible and asbestos cloth between layers of compaction fight. (Note: It is best to use a magnet 碳化硅坩埚石墨坩埚廊坊