关键词 |
resistor,thermal links,A5MC,overheat |
面向地区 |
材料 |
陶瓷壳 |
外形 |
方块状 |
性能 |
通用 |
制作工艺 |
陶瓷绝缘功率型 |
A5MC Features
It is a high performance thermal links/ resistor assemblies which combine a cement resistor with a fusible alloy type thermal links and has an overheat protect function.It uses coil-winding for greater ability to withstand inrush current.
It can open the circuit certainly in the case of any circuit malfunction. Itscharacteristics rarely fluctuate.
It provides extremely robust electrical insulation and voltage withstanding propertiesafter it functioned, and almost no trouble occurs with residual resistance or re-continuity.
It does not contain lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in compliance with RoHS.
lt does not contain 163 substances of very high concern (SVHC) that are specified byREACH as of Jun. 2015.
主营行业:保险丝 |
公司主营:uchihashi,日本内桥,内桥estec,三端保险丝--> |
采购产品:包装材料 |
主营地区:广东惠州 |
企业类型:个体经营 |
公司成立时间:2020-06-02 |
员工人数:11 - 50 人 |
研发部门人数:5 - 10 人 |
经营模式:贸易型 |
经营期限:2020-01-02 至 2032-01-01 |
最近年检时间:2021年 |
是否提供OEM:否 |
质量控制:第三方 |
公司邮编:516003 |
公司电话:0752-2168969 |
公司传真:0752-2168969 |
公司邮箱:sales@kaimori.cn |
公司网站:www.kaimori.cn |
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